So.. I’m just an average guy. In inundated with the media coverage of what I’m “supposed to look like” and trying desperately too match up to that. (yes you usually hear women bemoan this..but it effects men as well) I normally would not care about this maybe much. But you see, I also happen to be in the “entertainment’ business. For most of my career I was convinced that my passion for art would simply carry me over and through. Now that I’m older I realize my body and health have not kept up.I am an Actor, Theatre mostly, sometime Film/TV . An actor’s greatest tool is his body and it’s health is paramount. (You cannot perform on stage for long if you are truly out of shape) Sure you may remember me smoking cigarettes during lunch , (and other things ) when I was younger. But our bodies were tough then weren’t they? They could take on everything!
My metabolism has slowed over the years since and “desk jobs” (survival jobs as we say in the biz) put my belly at bulge levels. And, I actually lose my breath after a few flights of stairs. And the worst.. I can’t even tie my shoe without the incessant discomfort caused by an unwelcome bulge that is my belly. This is insane, I use to be able to sprint, jump, and spring my way through my surroundings.
I know, I know, I am not hugely fat. I am still skinny by many comparisons.
But I have a bulge the size of a turkey (no kidding). and I need to get rid of it. My second chin? Well let me put it this way…I never had one. I actually spent time in high school and first years of college trying to GAIN weight. Ironic now.
This blog is more for my own journal keeping. To keep me motivated. I thought I’d share it in case anyone stumbles upon it themselves. I post anonymously, for now, because I’m embarrassed by it all as well.
I am not a health professional. I am not selling anything. You just stumbled into my corner is all. I am unhappy with the way I look and the way I feel. I want be healthy, look better and be more confident. I was once a premium I know this is going to be a lot of work! Tired of talking about it..It’s time to do it!
Hopefully I will have the discipline to work out and at the least the discipline to maintain this blog. 😉
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