Holy sh!t 7 months off! Do-Over! Restart! Replay!
OK, there is no way to get around this. I Failed miserably. I completely stopped working out and everything. I got wrapped up in in a couple of plays since my last post..which typically leads to bad dieting (late night eating, fast food, and drinking etc).
Summer is over ! It flew by I didn’t even get to “enjoy” it that much.
I have the past few weeks been focusing on modifying my diet. But I have to do more, I actually weigh more now than when I started this thing!!. In a fit of rage I worked out this morning..it was a damn good work out. An endorphin inducing workout. I’m ready for the next few months..call it pre-season. Take Too! Redux. Replay. No Plays for the next few months till I get more disciplined! This belly HAS got to GO!
Current weight:!190!!!!
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