185 Milestone! 5 pounds in one month..

185 Milestone! 5 pounds in one month..

185 pound markerFinally! I’m down to 185 pounds and the month of January is over. That means I basically lost 5 pounds this past month!

While I do wish it was more..I’m convinced that this is less “Yo, Yo” like than many others…And that this weight will be off for good.
I can even feel the difference that just 5 pounds makes. I have weighed this much for the past two days..(to be sure) and so I’m logging it!

I have mostly been doing cardio the past week or so..about every other day.. 30 minutes on the ellipitcal with varying intensity program. My heart rate has gone way more into “cardio mode”  (ie. I usually  just keep at a steady heart rate of 135-140 during the workout…but lately I have gone as high as 180bpm and then easing back down to 160bpm)..but..I always change the pace back down if I feel my heartrate is going out of control.  So ..I actually think I’ve been getting some actual decent lung and heart workouts from this!

I must admit, Im actually getting a little restless on the Elliptical..It’s not my favorite…but for me it’s far more effective than the stationary bike. I’m actually looking forward to getting on the treadmill soon…currently I don’t have the proper shoes..which is another reason Im using the elliptical ..But I DID just order some shoes (on Amazon) and am looking forward to getting and using them!

Although I never really have ran on a treadmill…(I used to run, like seriously outdoors growing up) I am looking forward to change up in the routine.

Diet wise..I am eating less..I’ll get into what supplements I think have or have not been helping me soon!

Im gonna go workout in about 30minutes..so Hopefully next time I post a journal entry Ill be down another pound! 😉