Day 1: A little cardio to get started
Day 1 of work out for 2012!
The Workout:
I did an easy going cardio workout today. About 30 minuted worth on the Elliptical at the gym I go to. I maintained a minn. heart rate of 130bpm while doing it, occasionally more and alternated intensity at various times. Ellipticals in general are not my favorite. There are some great ones out there, I wish my gym had them but they have pretty standard ones. I like the machines that actually feel like your running not striding all weird..anyways, I really need to get on the treadmill though..
The Elliptical is great for me right now though. It’s easy on my knees and I currently don”t have adequate running shoes for a treadmill. Yes, I know I dont, I used to run track and field a lot back in high school (many years ago now) and I know running shoes. I also loathe treadmills because of the “gerbil effect”, I hate running in place. But…I know there is nothing as intense as running to get the calorie burning furnace started.
However, since it’s winter now. And given that I live in a city whose air is none the great to be inhaling outside anyways..I do plan on getting on the treadmill and hope to get some worthy shoes soon.
Diet Day 1:
Ok Im not dense I know that diet plays an important role in losing weight. I am also aware of the insane amount of diet fads and other ridiculousness out there. I know I need to eat more sensibly..I sort of did that today. But tomorrow will be even better.
Breakfast: Bowl of oatmeal
Lunch: left over Chicken Enchiladas…with cheese..and uh sour cream LOL (at least this was after my workout though and a small portion)
Dinner: cous cous, and boiled kale (yummy actually) with chicken thigh. Yes, chicken breast is infinitely better. But we are a little broke right now and that’s all I had in the freezer..some thighs..that I usually use for making stock or flavoring soup.
So …almost a good diet..not quite good, I know it needs improvement.
Oh and I did finish the last of our holiday cupcakes. yup I know.I refuse to feel guilty about this. It was the last one..I will continue working out tomorrow and will eat more healthy as well.
Hopefully the mail will resume regular service tomorrow. I’m expecting some pay from work and would love to be able to do some grocery shopping…and pay Rent.
It feels good to let out stress during a work out though. Im going to need it. Stressful times, but I’m optimistic.
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